Friday, January 28, 2011

Messing around with stuff

Here are some random saying and quotes I came up with may end up making a song out of them not sure..... just been messing around and been kinda down lately but justing God in everyhting I do :)

ALL info... on this blog is copyrighted @ 2011 so please don't take it or mess with it thanks Marissa Hope

I am there for YOU :)

I will always be there for u until the very end,
wiping your tears away,
being your best friend.
I will smile when u smile feel all the you do,
if u cry a single tear,
I promises I will cry too

I'm selfish and impatient and a little insecure
I make mistakes, I'm out of control & at times hard to handle
but if u can't handle me at my worst,
then u absolutly don't deserve me at my best.....

Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok,
then it's not the end yet

Sometimes you just need to distance yourself from people , If they care,
they'll notice, if they don't you know where u stand

Marissa Hope 2011 @copyright

then u absolutely don't deserve me at my best .......